I was born here in Liverpool, this is also where i've been living all of my life. Its been quite a boring life because this
town mostly sucks. This town has nothing to do AT ALL. Maybe sometime in the future this town will lose its boredome.
Things that I do on my free time include :
-playing guitar, i've been teaching myself with practising alot and I now can play some songs by my favorite bands. I
got a new guitar for christmas ( 2005 ) it is a B.C.Rich KKW Warlock and it is fucking sweet !
-Blacksmithing, I am pretty good at making medieval swords, armour, also I can make other things with metal. I like to
make metal things ! almost anything I see I try to make a metal version of it ( well actually I get the idea to do it then
I usually draw designs of it first... Then i make it ! oh and trust my advice... A metal slice of bread is NOT ETIBLE ! )
- Listening to music is one of my most important activities. The music is something I need to live ! I like many MANY
bands, and still my favorite is undecided... *sigh* I've been trying to find a favorite band but there is simply no hope of
me finding one, too many awesome choices *